Case Study: Empowering Egmont Commercial with Rodgers & Co’s Expertise


Egmont Commercial, New Zealand’s leading horticultural supplier, has been a long-standing client of Rodgers & Co. Owned by Mark and Katy Packman, the business has grown into a market leader with offices in Auckland and imports from 15 countries worldwide. Rodgers & Co has played an integral role in their success, providing trusted financial advice and strategic planning over the past 15 years.

The Challenge: Establishing and Growing a Successful Business

Navigating the Early Stages

Fifteen years ago, Mark and Katy Packman turned to Rodgers & Co for guidance in establishing Egmont Commercial. Having already worked with Russ Rodgers as their personal accountant for over 11 years, they trusted him to help navigate the challenges of starting and growing a new business.

Balancing Expansion and Planning

As Egmont Commercial expanded to offices in Auckland and began importing products from 15 countries, the business faced new complexities. These included managing growth, maintaining financial stability, and seizing new opportunities while staying accountable to long-term goals.

The Solution: A Partnership Built on Trust and Expertise

Strategic Monthly Meetings

Rodgers & Co introduced a structured approach to business planning through monthly meetings. These sessions have been instrumental in setting goals, evaluating opportunities, and maintaining accountability.

“Maintaining a monthly meeting has been crucial in the success of the business. This has allowed us to drive forward with confidence, having Rodgers & Co backing us along our journey,” says Mark Packman.

Expanding Possibilities

Rodgers & Co’s expertise and network opened up opportunities for Egmont Commercial beyond their initial expectations. Their advice has challenged the Packmans’ thinking, pushing the business beyond its comfort zone and enabling it to achieve remarkable growth.

“They have opened our business up to possibilities and opportunities outside of our safe zone, and their contacts have been invaluable for our growth and planning for the future,” Mark reflects.

A Foundation of Integrity and Trust

The Packmans describe Rodgers & Co’s role in their success as one built on integrity, trust, and expert guidance.

“Integrity would be a word to sum up Rodgers & Co. Our success is based on our excellent team support, openness to learn and take advice and direction but mainly trust, and that is why we have Rodgers & Co in our forefront on a monthly basis.”

The Results: A Flourishing Business

National and International Growth

With the support of Rodgers & Co, Egmont Commercial has grown from its foundation into New Zealand’s leading horticultural supplier. Their expansion includes:

  • Establishing offices in Auckland.
  • Importing products from 15 countries worldwide.

This growth is a testament to the consistent planning and strategic goals set in partnership with Rodgers & Co.

A Trusted Partnership

Rodgers & Co’s continued involvement has empowered the Packmans to navigate challenges and seize opportunities with confidence. Their strategic advice and financial expertise remain a cornerstone of Egmont Commercial’s ongoing success.

Key Takeaways: Rodgers & Co’s Impact on Egmont Commercial

Trusted Partnership: A 26-year relationship built on trust, integrity, and mutual respect.

Strategic Planning: Monthly meetings provide structure, accountability, and direction for long-term success.

Empowered Growth:
With Rodgers & Co’s support, Egmont Commercial has expanded nationally and internationally.

To learn more about Egmont Commercial visit:
347 Marshs Road, Halswell, Christchurch
Christchurch 03 349 5546
Auckland 09 838 2960

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