There are over 4,500 licenced Early Childhood Education Centres in New Zealand, and approximately 60% of children aged 0-4 attend a centre.

Rodgers & Co understand the challenges faced by the industry and the importance of tracking key financial statistics including FTE average daily rates across the various revenue streams, wage costs per FTE, and other costs relevant to FTE’s to compare to industry benchmarks.

We understand the compliance requirements and work closely with auditors to streamline the information flow for the MOE annual reporting requirements.

Other key financial factors are well understood, with an awareness of the different challenges faced by large and small centres and the key statistics more relevant to each. Our team understands what causes growth factors having worked in areas of construction, centre construction and due diligence, as well as software considerations for centres around accounting and payroll.

Early Childhood Education

If you would like to discuss how we can assist your business, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Rodgers & Co


Office Address
6E Pope Street, Addington,
Christchurch 8011

Postal Address
PO Box 29 189, Riccarton,
Christchurch 8440


© Copyright 2021 Rodgers & Co Ltd


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Meet us for a coffee so we can discuss how we can help you!